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How to search and filter logs


After a training / testing session has been finished, a Logger will take care of plotting and saving relevant data.

After repeating this process multiple times, one may find itself with a huge number of log folders and no easy way to search through them and rank them.

This is where search_paths comes in play.

After a session, the Logger will create a json file (e.g. env_params_2022_5_10_15_0.json) containing all relevant experiment parameters.

Here’s a small snippet of such a json file.

"num_episodes": 1,
"num_iterations": 21744,
"is_test": false,
"alpha": 1,
"beta": 2,
and so on ...

We will leverage this json file to define conditions on different parameters present in this file. For example, we will be able to define the condition “alpha > 1” or “is_test = True” and get back all sessions satisfiying those conditions.


Here is the definition of the search_paths function.

def search_paths(
    searching_directory: str,
    conditions: Dict[str, Any],
    utility_function: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float] = constant_utility,
    top_k: int = -1,
) -> List[str]:
    """ Finds all absolute paths in searching_directory of agent sessions that satisfy the specified conditions.
        Outputs top_k (all if -1) absolute paths ranked according to the utility function
        searching_directory (str): Absolute path of the relevant directory where the logs of interest may be found
        conditions (Dict[str,Any]): Conditions that the session must satisfy. Further details on how to define them below.
        utility_function (Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float], optional): Utility function to rank sessions.
        Defaults to constant_utility i.e. no ranking.
        top_k (int, optional): Number of outputted paths. Defaults to 0. If -1, every path is outputted.
        normalized (bool, optional): If True, then the utility function output is divided (i.e. "normalized) by the number of episodes 
        of the session. Defaults to False. If False, does nothing.

        List[str]: All the absolute paths of the sessions logs that satisfy the defined conditions.

The key part of the search_paths is defining the conditions. These are directly linked with the mentioned json file above. The best way to learn how to define them is by example. An example is given below.


import Performance

searching_directory = r"C:\Users\DIET_Controller"

     "alpha": ["<",20], # sessions where alpha was less than 20
     "beta": [">",2], # sessions where beta was bigger than 2
     "num_iterations": ["=",21744], # sessions where the whole simulation episode was used
     "is_test": ["=", True] # only testing sessions 

## This example is specific to SimpleEnvironment
## One may define 
 conditions["pmv"] = {
         "[-inf,-2]": ["<",0.2], # less than 20% of the time spent in the [-inf,-2] interval
         "[-0.5,0.0]": [">", 0.5] # more than 50% of the time spent in the [-0.5,0.0] interval

# Possible intervals are = ['[-inf,-2]', '[-2.0,-1.5]', '[-1.5,-1.0]',
# '[-1.0,-0.5]', '[-0.5,0.0]', '[0.0,0.5]', '[0.5,1.0]', '[1.0,inf]']

## This will return the list of all absolute paths of log folders satisfying the above conditions.
 path_list = Performance.search_paths(searching_directory,conditions)

## This will return the top 5 best absolute paths (according to the normalized utility function) of log folders satisfying the above conditions.
sorted_path_list = Performance.search_paths(searching_directory,conditions, utility_function=Performance.cumulative_reward, top_k = 5, normalized=True)

Furthermore, one should be aware when using “cumulative” utility functions, there will be a bias towards sessions with a larger number of episodes if normalized= False. Putting normalized = True corrects this bias.


To conclude, the workflow when using search_paths is:

  • Look at the json files in the logs you want to filter.
  • Define conditions based on the parameters present in it.
  • (Optional) Define (or use a premade one) a special utility function to rank the sessions and define the wanted number of sessions returned.