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Agent class

The Agent class defines the basic functionalities that a reinforcement learning agent should have.

Class methods and definitions

select_action is the policy of the agent. Given an observation / state, it selects an action.

def select_action(self, state: np.ndarray):
    """Given a state/observation of the environment,
     return the optimal action according to the policy of the agent
        state (np.ndarray): State/observation of the environment

step applies an action to the underlying environment of the agent.

def step(self, action: np.ndarray):
    """Given an action, applies the action on the environment to update it.
        action (np.ndarray): Action that can be applied on the environment
        (e.g. new temperature of the room)

reset resets the agent to its initial state.

    def reset(self) -> Agent:
        """ Reset the agent to its initial state
        (where it hasn't been trained and such)"""

from_dict allows to set the agent’s parameters using a dictionary. Mostly used in the context of hyperparameter tuning.

def from_dict(self, dict_arguments: Dict[str, Any]) -> Agent:
    """Given a dictionary of key value pairs where the key is the name of an agent attribute
     (e.g. {"memory_size": 1000, "batch_size": 32,}), 
     return a new agent with the attributes are updated with the new values.
        dict_arguments (Dict[str, Any]): key: name of attribute, value: new value
        Agent: A new agent updated with the new attributes.
    for k, v in dict_arguments.items():
        setattr(self, k, v)
    return self

train trains the agent on its environment.

def train(
    self, logging_path: str, num_episodes: int, num_iterations: int, log: bool
) -> Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]:
    """Method to train the agent and potentially log its progress.
        logging_path (str): Absolute path where the logs should be created 
        (e.g. ./DIET_Controller/logs/simple_simulation).
        num_episodes (int): Number of episodes the agent will be trained.
        num_iterations (int): Number of iterations per episode 
        (By convention, if num_iterations = None, default to the maximum number of iterations).
        log (bool): If true, the entire training session will be logged.
        Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]: 
        1. The aboslute path of where the logs of the training session may be found.
        2. A pandas DataFrame containing a summary of the important parameters
         of the session (to be defined depending on the agent and the use case)

test tests the agent on its envrionment.

def test(
    self, logging_path: str, num_episodes: int, num_iterations: int, log: bool
) -> Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]:
    """Method to test the agent and potentially log its results.
        logging_path (str): Absolute path where the logs should be created 
        (e.g. ./DIET_Controller/logs/simple_simulation).
        num_episodes (int): Number of episodes the agent will be tested.
        num_iterations (int): Number of iterations per episode 
        (By convention, if num_iterations = None, default to the maximum number of iterations)
        log (bool): If true, the entire testing session will be logged
        Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]: 
        1. The aboslute path of where the logs of the testing session may be found.
        2. A pandas DataFrame containing a summary of the important parameters
        of the session (to be defined depending on the agent and the use case)

log_dict creates the dictionary of importants parameters that need to be logged.

def log_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns a dictionary of all the important parameters of the agent
    and the corresponding values (similar to from_dict() above).
    This dictionary will be used to log informations about training and
    testing sessions, therefore important parameters is defined here by 
    whether they are worthy to log. Keep in mind that anything that is 
    logged will be searchable using the search functions, thus it is always
    better to log too much than too little.
        Dict[str, Any]: key: name of parameters, value: value of parameter in the agent

seed_agent sets the seed of all RNG components of the agent.

def seed_agent(self, seed: int):
    """Method to seed all the possible RNG components of the agent. 
    Examples of RNG components to seed would be:
    1. Numpy 2. Pytorch 3. Random 4. Gym spaces
        seed (int):

save saves to disk the relevant data structures of the agent.

def save(self, directory: str, filename: str):
    """ Given a directory and a filename, saves all revelant data structures (e.g. neural networks). 
        directory (str): Absolute path where the data structures should be saved (e.g. /logs/2022_06_06/)
        filename (str): Prefix for all the filenames of the saved data structures (e.g. "episode_1")

load loads from disk the relevant data structures of the agent.

def load(self, directory: str, filename: str):
    """ Given a directory and a filename, load all revelant data structures (e.g. neural networks). 
        directory (str): Absolute path where the data structures are to be loaded (e.g. /logs/2022_06_06/)
        filename (str): Prefix for all the filenames of the saved data structures (e.g. "episode_1")