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ICCP contains a module called Performance which contains all functionalities to assess the performance of agents and also easily search through the logs. This functionality of ICCP makes working with agents much easier and faster. One can easily iterate to optimize its agents performance and also compare it to other agents.

To understand why and how the performance assessment was defined this way, please read the background information on Performance.

Class methods and definitions

Utility functions

To understand why and how utility functions are used, we refer to the background information on it.


def cumulative_reward(data: pd.DataFrame) -> float:
    """ Given a dataframe containing a reward column, computes cumulative reward"""


def negative_cumulative_heating(data: pd.DataFrame) -> float:
    """ Given a dataframe containing a reward column, computes cumulative reward"""


def constant_utility(data: pd.DataFrame) -> float:
    """ Constant utility function, to be used when there is no preference between two sessions"""

Statistics computation


def IQR(arr: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """ Computes the inter-quartile range of an array"""


def CVaR(arr: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.05) -> float:
    """ Computes the conditional value at risk of an array with risk threshold alpha"""

Across time (during training)

Definitions of methods to evaluate in-training risk and dispersion of a single run.


def compute_dispersion_across_time(
    data: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, window: int
) -> float:
    """We define the measure of dispersion across a training run as the mean of the 
    rolling inter-quartile range.

        data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the specified column
        column_name (str): column name over which dispersion should be computed
        window (int): window length of the rolling inter-quartile range.

        float: the measure of dispersion across time


def compute_risk_across_time(
    data: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, alpha: float, window: int
) -> float:
    """We define the measure of risk across a training run as the mean of the 
    rolling conditional value at risk.

        data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the specified column
        column_name (str): column name over which dispersion should be computed
        window (int): window length of the rolling inter-quartile range.
        float: the measure of risk across time


def across_time(
    data: pd.DataFrame,
    window: int = 3 * 6,
    column_name: str = "Reward",
    alpha: float = 0.05,
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    """Given a dataframe summarizing a training session, computes the mean risk and mean dispersion of the specified column
    over a specified time window. 
    Why do we use a window? 

    It is such that the computed risk and dispersion still make sense in the context of real-life usage. Indeed, a training session
    may last over 5 months of simulated data but we should assess the behaviour of the controller over the span of a day or hours
    as it is the time span effectively experienced by the human users. In this case, having a window = 3*6 spans 3 hours because the 
    Simple Environment does 6 steps per hour.

        data (pd.DataFrame): Summary DataFrame of the training session.
        window (int, optional): Time window over which dispersion and risk are computed. Defaults to 3*6.
        column_name (str, optional): Name of the column over which we compute. Defaults to "Reward".
        alpha (float, optional): Risk threshold. Defaults to 0.05.

        Tuple[float, float]: (dispersion, risk)

Across runs (during training)

Definitions of methods to evaluate in-training risk and dispersion of multiple runs.


def across_runs(
    agent: Agent,
    agent_config_path: str,  # absolute path to the logging of the agent such that its configuration can be loaded
    parameter: Tuple[str, List[Any]],
    num_episodes: int,
    num_iterations: int = None,
    column_names: List[str] = [
    ],  # list of the columns in summary df on which we wish to measure risk and dispersion
    utility_function: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float] = cumulative_reward,
    window: int = 3 * 6,  # window to compute iqr and cvar across time
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Given an agent initilaized with its environment, the absolute path to the configuration / log we wish to assess,
    loads the correct configuration on the agent. 

    Then, given the parameter name that we wish to vary and the list of the different values it will take, 
    it iterates over all the possible new configurations and:

    - compute the dispersion and risk of the specified column names for each training run / session (by using across_time())
    - compute the dispersion and risk of the utility function over all training runs / sessions

        agent (Agent): Agent to be assessed, only needs to be instantiated with the correct environment
        agent_config_path (str):  Absolute path to the configuration / log we wish to assess
        num_episodes (int): number of episodes of each training session
        num_iterations (int, optional): number of iterations of each training session. Defaults to None.
        column_names (List[str], optional): Name of the columns over which we will compute dispersion and risk at each training session.
        Defaults to [ "Reward", "Tset", ].
        utility_function (Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float], optional): Utility function to assess performance of a training session.
        Defaults to cumulative_reward.
        window (int, optional): Time window over which dispersion and risk are computed. Defaults to 3*6.
        alpha (float, optional): Risk threshold. Defaults to 0.05.
        (Dict[str,Any]): dictionary summarizing all results of the performance assessment.

Across fixed policy (after training)

Definitions of methods to evaluate after training risk and dispersion of multiple runs.


def across_fixed_policy(
    agent: Agent,
    agent_config_path: str,  # absolute path to the logging of the agent such that its configuration can be loaded
    num_testing: int,
    num_episodes: int,
    num_iterations: int = None,
    column_names: List[str] = [
    ],  # list of the columns in summary df on which we wish to measure risk and dispersion
    utility_function: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float] = cumulative_reward,
    window: int = 3 * 6,  # window to compute iqr and cvar across time
) -> Dict[str,Any]:
    """Given an agent initilaized with its environment, the absolute path to the configuration / log we wish to assess,
    loads the correct configuration on the agent. 

    It will test the fixed policy num_testing times and:

        - compute the dispersion and risk of the specified column names for each testing run / session (by using across_time())
        - compute the dispersion and risk of the utility function over all testing runs / sessions

        agent (Agent): Agent to be assessed, only needs to be instantiated with the correct environment
        agent_config_path (str):  Absolute path to the configuration / log we wish to assess
        num_testing(int): The number of times the fixed policy will be tested
        num_episodes (int): number of episodes of each training session
        num_iterations (int, optional): number of iterations of each testing session. Defaults to None.
        column_names (List[str], optional): Name of the columns over which we will compute dispersion and risk at each testing session.
        Defaults to [ "Reward", "Tset", ].
        utility_function (Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float], optional): Utility function to assess performance of a training session.
        Defaults to cumulative_reward.
        window (int, optional): Time window over which dispersion and risk are computed. Defaults to 3*6.
        alpha (float, optional): Risk threshold. Defaults to 0.05.

        (Dict[str,Any]): dictionary summarizing all results of the performance assessment.

Useful methods

  1. How to use search_paths is explained in Searching through logs.

  1. How to use all_combinations_list and search_similar is explained in Hyperparameter tuning.

  1. How to use load_trained_agent, load_json_params, and load_summary_df is explained in Loading from logs.